Nocturnal Bat Roost Surveys
Where structures or trees are assessed to have suitability for roosting bats and are to be impacted by proposed development works, they may require one to three bat emergence surveys to determine the presence or likely-absence of roosting bats.
Surveys must be spread at least three weeks apart and commence 15 minutes before sunset, continuing to at least 90 minutes after sunset. Full coverage of the potential roost features identified will be required via appropriate placement of surveyors, aided by bat detectors and night vision aids in the form of infra-red or thermal cameras.
Where roosting activity is identified, the time, location, number and species of bat will be recorded. Footage from the night vision aids will be reviewed following each survey to confirm roosting activity and locations.
Acoustic analysis of the bat calls recorded by the bat detectors will be completed using acoustic analysis software to confirm the bat species recorded during the survey.